Cuprins articol

They say there are no rules in makeup, and while we don’t believe in rules, we should definitely believe in guidelines. The freedom and creativity offered by the makeup art is unlimited, indeed. There are, however, a series of guidelines that we should follow to highlight our best features. From wearing the wrong shade of foundation, to forgetting to moisturise daily, find out what are some of the biggest makeup do’s and don’ts.

“Makeup is not a mask that covers up your beauty; it’s a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside.” (Michelle Phan)



We get it, the summer has come and we all want to look more tanned. Maybe 2 or 3 shades darker, right? If you’d be tempted to say yes, then here is what I recommend: don’t use a foundation darker than your skin tone. Even if you bring it down the neck, you ain’t fooling nobody.


Don’t be sad though, that’s what bronzer is made for! You can always use bronzer for a more natural tanned look.

“The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural.” (Calvin Klein)

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We typically use concealer to highlight under our eyes. If you’ve been watching instagram makeup videos, you might have noticed that most girls are basically drawing 2 triangles under their eyes, probably using a lighter (way lighter) concealer.


 I’m not saying that their technique is wrong, remember there aren’t technically any rules in makeup, but who wouldn’t like to receive suggestions to step up their makeup game? That being said, here is mine: you could use less product under your eyes, and then blend it into a triangle. Drag it down to get that highlighted effect. This should help it last longer. Also, be sure to select a shade of concealer that’s no more than one or two shades lighter than your natural skin tone to avoid an obvious white circle around the eye area.

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Our makeup should always be set in place, doesn’t it? Who likes a greasy mess? We definitely don’t!

If you think that in order to get more coverage, you should go for a foundation powder, please don’t. Foundation powders are meant to be worn alone, not on top of your foundation. Plus, it might look good at the begging, but throughout the day it will get creasy and cakey.


My advice would be to go for a translucent powder for a locked-in look.

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Contouring is something that makeup artists have been using forever on celebrities, but it wasn’t until recently that it became part of everyone’s makeup routines. Sometimes we tend to go overboard with our contour and it doesn’t look appealing at all.


 For a subtle contouring, go for a neutral colour and stay away from the orange contour products! You’ll also want to make sure you have a really good matte bronzer (no shimmer/pearl essence ideally). And always remember, less is more!

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When it comes to highlighter, I could never say such thing as “Don’t wear too much, hunny”. I wouldn’t even do it myself. We are all here for the glow, babes! Although, the one thing that you should do, is wear it in the right place. When you add light to certain areas of your face, you are making them appear more prominent and therefore, you should keep it away from your pores. You don’t want to drag attention to your pores!


Here are the areas where I personally like to put on highlighter: apple of the cheek, under the brow bone, bridge of the nose, diagonal along the cheekbone and Cupid’s Bow.


“Glow is the essence of beauty.” (Estée Lauder)


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Let’s focus one the eyebrows now, they are a big thing when it comes to your makeup look. Never underestimate the impact that they have on framing the face. With a little know-how, you can definitely get your brow game on point.

Do comb your brows. This should always be the first step and it will help you fill in the sparse areas.

When it comes to filling in your brows, try to go for short strokes. Drawing in one long stroke won’t help you if you want to go for a natural kind of look. Also, make use of the areas that are already full and fill in only the sparse ones.

Don’t forget about the blending! Whether you go for a powder product or a pencil, blending is always important. Brushing through the brows will create a more even and natural finish.


Try not to fill in the front of the brow completely, it could look harsh and fake. Just draw a few strokes, without drawing in the top of the brow.

Last but not least, don’t drag down the eyebrow too much. Dragging it down and not brushing through the product kind of looks like you have a sad face.

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“If you don’t have eyebrows, you don’t really have a face.” (Saoirse Ronan)




Priming your eyelids it’s really useful when it comes to eyeshadow, it helps the product last longer and also intensifies the colour. If you don’t want to spend your money on an eyeshadow primer, just go for a concealer, it works just as well!

After our eyelids are primed, we are ready to make the magic happen.

You want to start with a transition shade in the crease: the lighter the colour, the higher you go; the darker the colour, you keep it down low.

When it comes to blending, go for small strokes and try to softly buff the colour in.

If you want to use a shimmer eyeshadow, wet your brush before applying the product. It will help

intensify the colour and it also helps it stick better.


Don’t take the dark colours all the way to the eyebrow if you want to have a softer look.

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And there you go, loves! After following these steps, you should have a gradient makeup look and be ready to go out there and get things done!

Aren’t you feeling pretty chic already?

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I’ll leave you with a makeup tutorial that should help you visualize what I just said.